Alleged Humor

Getting Back to Golf: A Tableau

Getting Back to Golf: A Tableau

I would like to write you a proper blog post about getting back into golf (after a brief twenty-year hiatus), but I haven’t. All of my time is now consumed by shopping for skorts, applying sunscreen, and searching for weight lifting programs in the hopes that I might one day outdrive the fiesty pack of retirees I play with.

Perhaps I will flesh it all out next week. Perhaps not. Perhaps I will become so immersed in the political maneuvering of the Tuesday morning ladies’ league that you will never hear from me again. In the meantime, please accept this tableau of my return to mediocre athleticism.

Magic circle of light that appears when I position my new putter correctly

Text exchange with my female golf instructor

You’re not going to carry those the whole time, are you?

Retirees with pull carts

HD footage of all driving ranges

Women’s golf fashion

How it started: embroidered menswear and the LL Bean catalog

How it’s going: UPF and alcoholism


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